Tag: catholic

A Faculty/Staff Reflection: How has Catholic Education at SMA changed my life?

In preparation for #CatholicSchoolsWeek, the SMA faculty and staff were asked this question, “How has Catholic Education at SMA changed your life?”

This week, we began each morning with a daily prayer and shared faculty and staff responses with our students to show how the SMA community and Catholic Education has positively impacted our faculty and staff.  We show our #CatholicSchoolPride by thanking the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet for establishing St. Mary’s Academy in 1889 and continuing to guide our faculty and staff to live and teach the CSJ mission by serving the dear neighbor and educating women to become leaders in their communities. 

Faculty and Staff Responses

“My Catholic education has led me to try my best to be a follower of Jesus. This means that I do my best to see God in everyone, including myself. It means that I am as kind to everyone as I can be. Finally, it means I always try to do the right thing.”

Your daily life is your temple and your religion. Whenever you enter into it, take with you your all. -Kahlil Gibran.  Being a Catholic Teacher allows me to take my faith with me everyday and I am able to see my faith in my actions with students.”

The mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet compels the faculty and staff to empower young women to find their paths in life. During their four years at SMA, our Belles are nurtured to become leaders and serve the “dear neighbor” in our communities. I was fortunate that I attended St. Jerome, a CSJ middle school, where the importance of developing character, leadership and service influenced me to pursue my professional calling to serve students and a community in a Catholic school setting.”

It’s been really great to work at a school where the students seem to care so much about each other and their community.”

Working at SMA has allowed me to integrate my Christian faith more into my daily life. I love that we can pray together and encourage one another, inspiring each other to love God and others more deeply.”

Catholic Education at SMA has changed my life because it allows me to share the love of the Lord with my students. When we are stressed before a big test, we can pray. When we are faced with the harsh realities of the world, we can pray. When we have successes at school, we can say prayers of thankfulness. When my students are facing challenges, I can tell them, “I’ll pray for you.”

I am old enough to remember when prayer was okay in Public Schools. I remember my principal praying on the loud speaker when someone was sick, the Shuttle exploded and prayers before we took state exams. Then in the late 80’s that all stopped. Fast forward to when I began working in public schools, I handled discipline and students in crisis. It was clear to me that issues could be resolved and hope instilled if we were allowed to pray. Today at SMA, when I deal with mild discipline and students in crisis we pray. Prayer makes the difference!”

History of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet


Ponderings on the Panels by Sr. Adrienne Clare Pereira
“Reflecting on the newly installed panels, I am struck by the connection between the vision of the Sisters of St Joseph from the beginning in 1650 and the Mission Statement of St.Mary’s Academy.  Both contain the same words like “value of excellence” and the “dear neighbor”.  From 1650 to 1889 to 2016…

I see other familiar words and phrases as I move to another panel depicting the trek of the Sisters across the desert and the early days in Tucson……”empowering others to personal dignity and independence”…….like SMA??

I move to another one  depicting the Sisters moving West and I begin to look for signs of St. Mary’s Academy.  The story is familiar but I do not recognize places and faces yet. But how exciting to see growth…San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Idaho, Hawaii. Japan, Peru…..

By Panel 12, I know the faces of these women and can at least put names to those I do not.  Shared Charism?  We’re all in this together?  collaboration…..oneness ……I come to the last panel but the story is not finished….nor is the story of St. Mary’s.
SMA celebrates 128 years, fifty of them in Inglewood.  The panels say the Sisters strive together to meet human needs, being and doing “all of which women are capable” and challenging our young women to do the same.”

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