On Tuesday, January 31, 2017, our Belles embarked on a school-wide field trip to the Cinemark theatre at The Promenade at Howard Hughes Center.

Thank you to our generous benefactors Mr. Roman Silberfeld and Ms. Pat Klous for sponsoring our entire school  to see Hidden Figures. They were inspired by Octavia Spencer, who purchased an entire showing at a Baldwin Hills movie theater in Los Angeles during MLK weekend, and  wanted to give back to our students at St. Mary’s Academy. Our generous donors sponsored the entire experience from the  cost of transportation, movie tickets and ensuring each student had a bag of popcorn, candy and beverage.

Ms. Klous shared with our students her own humble beginnings and lack of resources as a child. She indicated that it was a high school teacher that encouraged her to pursue her dreams and apply to college. She thanked the SMA faculty for believing and supporting our students as they prepare for college and life beyond high school. She encouraged the Belles to believe in themselves and reinforced to them that they can become whoever they want to be. They just need to work hard to achieve their dreams!

This wonderful gift occurred during #CatholicSchoolsWeek. The day’s theme “Celebrating Your Students” was a wonderful tribute to show our Belles how much they are appreciated by the SMA community.

Upon returning to school, the students reflected on the movie during their homeroom class. Below are some of their responses.

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