The 2016-17 school year marks the second year that The Arts was designated an official career path program at SMA.  This year though, is the first year we accepted new freshman into the program into all three tracks .  The Arts Program contains three different tracks- students may choose to join the Media Arts, Visual Arts, or Performing Arts path.  Students who complete the program will know how to effectively create messages and works of art, a valuable life skill which will prepare them for any college portfolio, major, or career.

We’ve had a busy semester so far as you can see below and the hard work has just begun!  Second semester is chock full of arts activities including arts appreciation week, an arts showcase, a juried art show, and field trips for all three tracks.

This year we are happy to continue our partnership with The Colburn School, which provides us with a choir director for our student choir, The Humming Belles.  We are also very excited to have a NEW partner, Harmony Project, that brings instrumental music back on campus after a long absence.    Keep reading to find out more details on what’s been happening!


This year in visual arts we are offering drawing, ceramics, and AP Studio Art- 2D Design.  Freshman accepted into the Arts program that chose visual arts as their focus are all in the drawing class and showing great potential so far.


Blind contour drawing helps access the right side of your brain since you’re not allowed to look at your paper.




Negative space drawing of a stool


Coiling is one of 3 hand building techniques learned so far in ceramics.



Students are anxious to start throwing on the wheel.




Large vessels made entirely out of coils.


Ryman Arts came to speak to the drawing class to encourage students to apply to a free program which provides high level classical training in drawing.  Four students applied and are waiting to hear if they were accepted.  One of our seniors in the Arts Program, Karen Villatoro, graduated from the program last year after completing all three classes they offer.  She was able to do AP Studio Art -Drawing as a junior last year and is doing a portfolio for AP studio Art- 2D Design this year as an independent study!


Ryman Arts graduate, Karen Villatoro

Media Arts highlights include our morning news show, SMA Today, yearbook class, and new this year, TV & Film production.  Freshman accepted into the program that chose Media Arts as their focus take Media Mindfulness and Public Speaking.


Behind the scenes of SMA TODAY


Green Tie, Elsie Cordoso, lead director of SMA TODAY


Green screen in action

Here is an entire news show that was produced in Film & TV Production using the green screen!

Our performing arts track welcomes two new teachers this year.  Ms. Gorder is teaching Acting and Ms. Warner is teaching Music Theory.

Acting class does different warm up activities and has been performing a variety of individual and group scenes in class.


Daily warm-ups






Music Theory is a NEW class this year.  Students are learning how to read music, sing in key, and play the recorder.  An instructor from Harmony Project, Mr. Barjon,  co-teaches the Music Theory class twice a week as well as runs a Musicianship class after school on Mondays and Wednesdays.  The students taking Musicianship will soon be getting string instruments practice on.










We look forward to seeing and hearing more from all of our students next semester!